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What's new at the Hertie School
November | 2023

Dear friends of the Centre for Digital Governance,

Many warm greetings from Berlin. We are happy to inform prospective PhD scholars about two full scholarships. Don't miss our research events and recent blogs. Find all the details below.
Wednesday, 29.11.2023 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CET (online) - Register here
The legal battles over data dominion - Prof. Katharina Pistor (Columbia University) delves into the future of data governance. This event is co-hosted by the Centre for Digital Governance and the Centre for Fundamental Rights.

Wednesday, 06.12.2023 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm CET (online) - Register here
Fundamental rights protection in the AI Act: Tracing institutional approaches, divergences and justifications in the EU legislative process - Dr. Francesca Palmiotto (Centre for Fundamental Rights) will present her paper "Fundamental rights protection in the AI Act: Tracing the evolution of the EU AI Act's legislative process."  This event is part of the Digital Governance Research Colloquium.

Our Centre is offering two three-year scholarships for exceptional candidates seeking to pursue full-time PhDs in the field of digital governance. The studentships at the Hertie School will start from August 2024 onwards. Find out more here. The application portal will open from late November until 31 January 2024.

We are calling all alumni to share your stories from your post-Hertie School career in digital governance and related topics. Inspire the next generation of students by sharing your stories and insights in the field. Write to us at and we will reach out to you.  


The Centre for Digital Governance with Prof. Daniela Stockmann is part of an international research consortium to get a EU Horizon project on authoritarian states' control of information. Starting in January 2024, the project will explore how authoritarian states exercise information control.

We are co-organising a two-day symposium in Brussels as part of the Effective Digital Markets Act Enforcement research project led by Joanna Bryson and Helena Malikova (Centre for Digital Governance), in association with the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, the University of Trento, and with the support of the free speech organisation ARTICLE 19. There will be a special issue on this subject. More information here

How do German top civil servants perceive the current situation of German public administration? Together with other experts, Gerhard Hammerschmid presented the findings from a new survey conducted by the Centre in collaboration with Wegweiser Unternehmensgruppe in a recent webinar. The study was also mentioned in the Handelsblatt. Read a summary (in German) of their findings here.


New on the blog
In a post titled, "Careful, not customary: How can consent terms be better designed to protect users?" analysts Damini Mohan and Mahima Dixit investigate predatory practices surrounding obtaining digital consent, and advocate for protective policy and the use of technology to empower users to make informed decisions regarding their personal data.

In her blog, "Rock, Paper, Statistics: Mass screening for rare problems endangers society" Dr. Vera Wilde applies universal mathematical laws to problematise mass screening for rare problems in society, and offers policy recommendations to better safeguard the public against the dangers of its potential for harm.


Thank you for the continued support of the Centre. Feel free to email us at any time, follow us on LinkedIn, or visit our website to see our latest work.

All the best,

Your Centre for Digital Governance team

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