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What's new at the Hertie School
March | 2023

Dear Friends of the Centre for Digital Governance,

here are the lates news and events from the Centre for Digital Governance.

29 March, 4:00 pm CEST - Register here!
As part of our ongoing Digital Governance Research Colloquium, Ransford Mensah, PhD (World Bank) will present a reflective perspective on the acceleration of the digital transformation of government services using an interoperable digital building blocks approach, in Africa. Online via MS Teams.

Here is a link to our spring 2023 Research Colloquium Programme.

We're seeking a parental leave cover for the role of Associate Grant Administration (f/m/div) on a part-time basis (30 hours/week). Get the full role description here

Across multiple international media platforms, Joanna Bryson addressed the latest public reactions to AI software like ChatGPT. Find out more here.

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Centre's certificate in digital governance. The certificate will be awarded to Hertie School's International Affairs, Data Science and Public Policy masters students who devote a meaningful portion of their studies to digital governance-related coursework. More information about it can be found here.

We're happy to welcome two new faces to our team. First off is Thorsten Jelinek, PhD who has joined the Centre as a Visiting Scholar. We're also joined by Angelica Rincon, a PhD researcher at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata. Her PhD research topic centres on Artificial Intelligence strategies and their formulation within the public sector.

In the second part of her ongoing series on video games, Taylor Koley tackles the issue of violent extremism, and how recruiters are able to use video games as a platform for radicalisation. Read the piece here.

Alongside McKinsey, we co-authored a report on how the central departments (Zentralabteilung) of public administrations play a critical role in creating a modern state, especially through digitalisation. Here's the full report.

In case you missed our last Research Colloquium event with Dr. Carolina Are you can now watch the session on our YouTube channel. Here's the link.

On 15 February, we held a panel event that sought to explore the implications of the EU AI Act for citizens, businesses and innovation. Professor Joanna Bryson opened the event by giving an overview of the EU AI Act and explained why AI regulation is important. Watch it here.

Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel? Be sure to do so to keep up with all new research, insights, and events!

Thank you for the continued support of the Centre. Feel free to email us at any time, follow us on LinkedIn, or visit our website to see our latest work.


Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hammerschmid

Director Centre for Digital Governance



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