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What's new at the Hertie School
April | 2023

Dear Friends of the Centre for Digital Governance,

Here are the latest highlights from the Centre for Digital Governance, including an exciting roster of upcoming events and recent publications.
25 April, 12:00 PM CEST [online] - Register here!
Carmina Dietrich (German Federal Chancellery), Hyebin Hong (GPAI Secretariat, OECD) and Thorsten Jelinek (Visiting Fellow, Centre for Digital Governance) will discuss their work in the field of digital policy making, in a student event moderated by Prof. Joanna Bryson.

26 April, 4:00 PM CEST [online] - Register here!
As part of our ongoing Digital Governance Research Colloquium, Dr. Giulia Gentile (LSE School of Law), will present her research on how the increasing use of AI in the courtroom shapes the delivery of justice.

26 April, 6:00 PM CEST [online and on site] - Register here!
Together with Make.org, the Centre for Digital Governance will host a panel discussion on digital participation formats and how they can strengthen citizen engagement.

3 May, 4:00 PM CEST [online] - Register here!
The Centre's Philipp Darius will host a Digital Governance Research Colloquium session, discussing if social media platforms contribute to socio-political fragmentation and polarisation.

3 May, 6:00 PM CEST [on site] - Register here!
We are launching the Digital Governance in Practice Event Series! Join us for a conversation with Faruk Tuncer (CEO Polyteia) and Linda Jaeck (PUBLIC/Hertie School Tech Society) about the potential and challenges of GovTechs to innovate the public sector and drive government digitalisation.

Here is a link to our 2023 events.
Prof. Gerhard Hammerschmid and Centre fellows Jessica Breaugh, PhD and Moritz Kleinaltenkamp, PhD wrote a piece for the Handelsblatt, arguing that up-and-coming GovTech companies are not getting enough support in Germany. Read it here.

Prof. Daniela Stockmann and Philipp Darius led a research project involving many Centre researchers on the key challenges that Digital Service Coordinators might face in successfully implementing the EU Digital Services Act. Read a policy brief proposing recommendations here.

Prof. Gerhard Hammerschmid, Dr. Enora Palaric, Maike Rackwitz and Prof. Kai Wegrich collaborated on a research piece to investigate whether digitalisation drives collaborative forms of governance. A summary of the findings, as well as the full report, can be found here

The newest addition to our student working paper series written by Hertie School students Jakob Albrecht (MPP 2024), Oskar Krafft (MDS 2024), Amin Oueslati (MDS 2024) and Paul Sharratt (MDS 2024) discusses how to regulate persuasive design by Very Large Online Platforms in Europe.

Thank you for the continued support of the Centre. Feel free to email us at any time, follow us on LinkedIn, or visit our website to see our latest work.

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hammerschmid
Director Centre for Digital Governance
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