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What's new at the Hertie School
February | 2024

Dear friends of the Centre for Digital Governance,

We would like to send you happy wishes for the New Year. We certainly hope that, like us, you are refreshed, recharged and ready to make this year your best yet. Please find the latest updates below.

Tuesday, 13.02.2024 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (CET) - Register here.
Careers in digital governance: Shaping digital governance in Latin America - Join us and our Hertie alumni speakers Jose Díaz (WHO) and Laura Uribe (OECD) as they talk about their career and work experiences in digital governance in Latin America. The event is moderated by Ximena Docarmo (MPP candidate, Hertie School)

Wednesday, 21.02.2024 | 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (CET) - Register here.
GovTech in France and Germany: How can startups help reimagine the public sector? - Join us for a side event ahead of the Handelsblatt GovTech Summit. This event is organised by French Tech Berlin, PUBLIC, Mazars, Business France, AHK Frankreich with the support of the Embassy of France in Berlin and the Centre for Digital Governance.

Our Digital Governance Research Colloquium will return on March 6th with an exciting list of speakers and topics! Find an overview here.

Wednesday, 06.03.2024 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (CET) - Register here.
Cloud empires' physical footprint: How geopolitics and trade shape the global expansion of U.S. and Chinese data centre infrastructures - Prof. Vili Lehdonvirta (University of Oxford) will present his work on the dynamics of a country's cloud infrastructure alignment with the U.S. or China and related digital geopolitics.

Job opportunity: CfA Postdoctoral Researcher - Join Prof. Daniela Stockmann and her team on the research project "The Long Arm of Authoritarian States," funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme. This project studies China's management and control of information inside the European Union. The position is full-time with a preferred starting date of 1 July 2024, and for 2 years.  

Germany voted YES as part of unanimous EU Council vote to pass EU AI Act: Recently, the European Union unanimously passed a first-of-its-kind comprehensive regulation on AI which will help promote human-centred and trustworthy AI in Europe-a major milestone for AI governance in Europe. Prof. Joanna Bryson had signed a petition together with a group of academics, scientists, think tanks, businesses and civil society calling for Germany to vote "YES" to the legislation. The petition made the point, among others, that an EU AI Act as a foundation for governing AI across the bloc is a better choice for businesses and society than no regulation at all which could also harm the bloc's competitive edge for AI innovation.

Book publication: Prof. Gerhard Hammerschmid co-edited the newly published book, ‘Collaborating for Digital Transformation: How Internal and External Collaboration can contribute to innovate public service delivery'. The publication features the seminal works of a range of scholars to provide a thorough examination of public sector digital transformation, intergovernmental cooperation, collaborative governments, and public sector innovation. 

Centre researchers shed light on the role of generative AI in election campaigns: This year, with over 50% of the global population heading to the polls, artificial intelligence is poised to reshape the dynamics between political parties and voters. Hertie School Dean of Executive Education Professor Andrea Roemmele, and Centre Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Philipp Darius shed light on the potential dangers, risks, and benefits of generative AI in their latest research chapter on AI and data-driven campaigns: A discussion of the role of generative AI in election campaigns.

Student working paper examines relationship between EU policy and dominance of Big Tech: Brianna Rock, MPP 2024 examines changes in the EU policy surrounding digital mergers and how they have paved the way for the dominance of Big Tech companies. She presents evidence from merger case statistics data published by the European Commission in November 2023. Find out more.

New on the blog
In light of the growing uptake of AI systems in the public sector, former visiting PhD scholar Carolina Gerli writes about the potential and challenges of AI in public organisations to tackle corruption and advances pathways for future research on the topic. Read her blog titled, ‘How public organisations can use AI in anti-corruption: What we know so far and why we need to learn more about it.'

In ‘Building a digital society, the Estonian way', MPP candidate Leslie Mills shares insights from his recent experience in Tallinn, Estonia, where he and a cohort of students from the Hertie School and the Oxford Internet Institute learned about the Baltic country's swift and largely successful digital transformation.

Thank you for the continued support of the Centre. Feel free to email us at any time, follow us on LinkedIn, or visit our website to see our latest work.


All the best,

Your Centre for Digital Governance team

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